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Service of Preparing Unaudited Financial Statements Original price was: 1,390.69 $.Current price is: 930.59 $.
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Model for construction project control and financial management Original price was: 95.48 $.Current price is: 63.56 $.

Report the significant differences between IFRS and IFRS FOR SMES

Original price was: 63.56 $.Current price is: 42.29 $.

An Excel file showing most of the differences between the full international accounting standards and the international accounting standards for small and medium-sized enterprises


A file of the main differences between the full international accounting standards and the international accounting standards for small and medium-sized enterprises. It includes most of the fundamental differences between the requirements of each of them in a smooth and simple manner that is easy for the average experienced accountant to understand and assimilate.

This product is suitable for each of the following categories:

1- Accountants working in companies that aim to move from international standards for small and medium-sized enterprises to full international standards.
2- Accountants who have a desire to gain additional experience, which will enable them to join major companies that implement full international standards.
3- Auditors in professional offices.
4- Heads of accounts and financial managers.
5- Students who want to obtain a clear, simple practical reference for the differences between complete international standards and international standards for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Product features:

1- Identifying the fundamental differences between the full international standards and the international standards for small and medium-sized enterprises in a simple manner.
2-The accountant is able to understand and understand what may require years of experience to be familiar with.
3-The accountant’s ability to make transfer entries without the need to seek help from an external consulting office.
4- Verifying the proper functioning of recording financial transactions, which reduces the observations of the external audit process during the preparation of financial statements.

Product contents:

A report on the fundamental differences between the full international standards and the international standards for small and medium-sized enterprises


The report was prepared by a team of experts and specialists in the field of international financial reporting standards.

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